
Contact Us


Inquiries Regarding Coverage on the Day of Rikoten

Inquiries regarding Rikoten are accepted as follows.
Please note that if we do not receive prior notice, we may decline your request.

By noon on Saturday, 10/26:

Please apply using the form below.

After noon on Saturday, 10/26:

Please contact the Science and Engineering Center Academic Support Office at wsci-office★list.waseda.jp directly.
※ Please replace the "★" symbol with "@".

Inquiries Regarding Media Coverage and Publications

For inquiries related to media coverage and publications, please contact rikotenkouhou★gmail.com.
※ Please replace the "★" symbol with "@".

Other Inquiries Regarding Event Operations

For inquiries regarding the operations of Rikoten, please contact contact★rikoten.com.
You will receive a response from the respective department later.
※ Please replace the "★" symbol with "@".

Mailing Address

1-24-1 Toyama, Shinjuku, Tokyo M-38, Rikoten Executive Committee

For large mail items, please contact info★rikoten.com separately.
※ Please replace the "★" symbol with "@".